The Karaoke Challenge
Radio presenters love their own voices. By definition.
One thing I can't stand is when a presenter thinks they're a singer, too. Singing on the air was made a crime punishable by death on 1Radio. I’ve even gone to the lengths of kicking presenters off air when they’ve refused to stop singing. Even if someone has an incredible voice, I don’t want them riding roughshod all over a song I’ve requested.
To appeal to this errant code in the radio presenters DNA and to give them an opportunity to sing along with a piece of music, I decided to have a Karaoke competition. Within minutes of it being announced, Gaz had submitted a song. He later went on to submit another. And another. If that’s not someone who loves the sound of their own voice, then I’m a judge on XFactor.
The premise of the competition was simple. Re-record a well known song and include in it as many 1Radio presenter names as possible. Presenters had a few weeks to submit their entries. The quality of the submissions was inversely proportional to how near to the closing date it was submitted. During the show in which I revealed all the entries and let listeners submit votes, the Patersons posted their entry. It was added to the competition show page even as the show was going out! That should give you a sense of how awful it was. Sorry. Did I say awful? That's unfair. It was f***ing attrocious.
Of the dozen or so entries, only Joey Peralto misunderstood the brief and did a genuine rendition of a classic without any sense of irony or, indeed, talent.
The winner of the event was Chris Matthews who singlehandedly demolished “We didn't start the fire” with his own unique rendition of a song that name checked virtually everyone on the planet but with special emphasis on Nytefyre.
My own entry was this little beauty below...
Posted by Tim on Thu 17 Mar 2022 at 19:29 and viewed 1,241 times.