1Radio Forever

To mark the end of 1Radio, our final show was a farewell from all of our presenters and DJs.

Presenter Shawn Christy, aka Espy, produced the show after bagging the final slot on the final day of 1Radio.

The show featured contributions from presenters and listeners interspersed with Espy's own inimitable choice of tunes. It was broadcast on New Year's Eve, 2013 and ended at the stroke of midnight.

From there on, 1Radio was no more.

Listen to this landmark final show and be reminded of our final crop of presenters and their memories of being "on the one". 

And as you listen to the show, scroll through the shoutbox from that final hour and see what folk had to say as the programme played out...

1R: Thank you so much for being a supportive part of this family. Like a microcosm of 1Radio itself, tonight's show was constructed from the contributions of many wonderful individuals.
Eli: Hello again everyone. x
Survivorsburg: Here 1 last time with you all
Aqwave: ..... Though it's not a 'mix' that I'm familiar with......
Espy: Heya
Ceejay: Sounding really good Shawn
PK: for everyone
LadyT: Its a New Year in Poland now !!!
Espy: Turned out pretty well
Aqwave: Thanks, PK....
Survivorsburg: yes Shawn Fabby how you have put it all together thank you
Aqwave: Happy new Year, Lady T.....
Ylle: Happy new year to Poland
Westy WMC: best way to end 1Radio was like this espy well done mate
LadyT: Happy New 2014 For You All !!!
Survivorsburg: Happy New Year 2014 Terasa Aw the Best xx
Espy: Happy Teresa
Mrs P: Last hour EVER
colb: I am a mere listener, but it is obvious by the farewell speeches that you all are very fond of each other, and will remember this night for a long time. It is a very touching and emotional time....
LadyT: Thank you my friends
Survivorsburg: Mrs P ah ken hunni
LadyT: colb
Eli: Lovely.
PK: Love, peace & harmony xxx
Ylle: May
Espy: Good one.
Mrs P: Will there be a recording of this show?
Ceejay: May chose Rod, didn't expect that
Westy WMC:
Aqwave: Lol, CeeJay........
Survivorsburg: Thank you all Lots Of Love
colb: Surprise surprise Ceejay
Survivorsburg: CJ
Espy: @Mrs P - Yes, I'll tack on Tim's intro and upload it to Mixcloud in the coming days
Westy WMC: the hit mix poet
Survivorsburg: HOwie were's the Kleenex
Westy WMC: cool please put it on mixcloud
Mrs P: Great... Cheers my love
LadyT: Thank you May for your and nice Christmas 2012
Ylle: feel sad that I forgot to do mine and sent to Espy
Aqwave: I don't 'do' vocal communication........ Not on the 'net, anyway.......
Espy: That's OK Ylle, don't feel bad, no hard feelings or anything like that
Ylle: maybe I can record my message and put in youtube with music
Survivorsburg: Terasa you are so welcome was entirely my Pleasure to Host The LadyT of
Mrs P: Tbh.. I feel bad.. I forgot to do mine too.. I had to set an alarm on my phone to remind me to do Wills Xmas message!!
Aqwave: Give that choon a few listenings, Espy..... It may give you some insight into what makes me 'tick'.....
Espy: Is it a bomb?
Survivorsburg: At End Of this Broadcast Poet Laureate's Goodbye will be released on You Tube
Aqwave: No, Espy..... And neither am I.....
Survivorsburg: and i did it wi oot crying my eyes oot
Espy: That's great May, I'm sure we're all looking forward to it
Survivorsburg: just mind
Aqwave: CHOOOOOOON!!!!
PK: I can see fireworks over the city
LadyT: Here is full of them PK
Aqwave: Some people have no patience, PK.....
Survivorsburg: Pk i see them in here
Westy WMC: glad our messages have been done
Ylle: but I glad that I was part of great radio
Westy WMC: Happy new year and good luck with 2014
PK: Ian & Chris, I'm looking forward to being a proper part of the Saturday shows and becoming better friends with both of you over the next year
Espy: I'm very glad that you were, too, Ylle
Westy WMC: yeah us too mum is with me now we love you all
Ylle: and life goes on.. this is not end of the world we stay friends/family after that
Aqwave: Hear, Hear, Ylle.....
Survivorsburg: Ylle Yes we do
LadyT: Simon...
Espy: I was not invited to become a part of the Saturday shows but I wish you all the best, I will stay strong My Heart Will Go Onnnn
dj: i do
Espy: Otto's message
Aqwave: Lol..... Poor Otto.....
PK: Espyyyyyy only because you didn't come on Skype while we were talking about it
LadyT: we need robot,lol
Ylle: Otto
Survivorsburg: Espy but you have like all here been big part of all our lives and we all love our even T
PK: I will record stuff onto cassette tape and post them to you and you can assemble them into crazy sound collages - sound good?
Eli: Love me PSB.
Westy WMC: ooh god i loved the mix up espy did of that onesie show
LadyT: Espy
Espy: No idea what you just said May, but it seems to have a generally kind look about it overall, so, thank you
Survivorsburg: simply *espy We you
Espy: Thank you with ta-tas
PT: Espy, you dont have your May > English dictionary??
Espy: @PK - oh please do!
LadyT: Espusex
Espy: PT lol
Survivorsburg: Pk no english Dictionary he needs its a Scottish 1 he needs
PK: In all seriousness, Esperness, I totally think we should do some crazy arty sound mashup things
Espy: She should have been trying to sell *THAT* book
Survivorsburg: sorry PT no PK
PK: It was PT, May
PT: oh my clock is correcct now
Aqwave: PT..... I'll be in touch......
PK: I've spent 10 years in Tyne & Wear I'm used to deciphering accents
Kieran iPhone: Happy New Year everyone!
Espy: @PK - I'm totally open to discussing that idea in greater length Seeing as I'm going to have a lot of time on my hands all-of-a-sudden
PT: good good Aqwave
Survivorsburg: Happy New Year Kieran xx
Ylle: Happy New Year Kieran
PK: Alice thought the lyrics to this were "I was attacked by bees"
Espy: HNY Kieran
PK: Happy New Year, Kieran
Espy: lol @ PK/Alice
Kieran iPhone: Sorry can't tune in working but thought I'd pop in and do my bit
LadyT: Ceejay
PT: Hi K
Ceejay: Hi K
LadyT: hi Kieran
Survivorsburg: Bye Bye CJ
caroline: Hi
Espy: thankyou Ceejay
Kieran iPhone: Hey everyone
Ylle: Hi Caroline
Kieran iPhone: Shawn can we find this show online somewhere?
PK: Thanks, Ceejay, all the best
Espy: Hi caroline
LadyT: hi caroline
Espy: Hey again Kieran
caroline: Hi ylle
Westy WMC: nice one ceejay
PT: Howdy Caroline :-)
Survivorsburg: hi Caroline x
Ceejay: Thank you all for the friendship and support over the past 4 years
caroline: Hi lady t
PK: Hey Caroline
Survivorsburg: oh god in bits here
colb: Well done Ceejay
PK: May
1R: A recording of this show will be made available in the coming days at http://mixcloud.com/espy
Ceejay: This seems to fit the occassion
Kieran iPhone: Great thanks!
dj: happy new year 1R
caroline: Hi pk
Ceejay: Hey Bobby
LadyT: Thank you Espy
Westy WMC: hi dj
Kieran iPhone: 35 minutes to go here!
1R: My 1Radio Scrapbook - a work in progress - http://imgur.com/a/WQVzi
dj: hey ceejay, westy and wmc
Aqwave: Hi, Caroline......
Survivorsburg: hi dj Happy New Year x
1R: Join the 1Radio Forever group on Facebook - a group that won't ever be closed - http://facebook.com/groups/1Radio.Forever/
Aqwave: "Visions of ewe"....
dj: thanks
PK: Tears starting....
Kenny D: Nice message Martyn
Survivorsburg: Sorry Espy xx
Martyn: Thanks, Kenny
Espy: thankyou Martyn
Ceejay: @Martyn we're showing our ages
colb: This last show should be recorded and saved on youtube or somewhere.....
Martyn: Choosing the stuff, yes
1R: A recording of this show will be made available in the coming days at http://mixcloud.com/espy
dj: i would like to have this site
Kieran iPhone: Well you can't have it
Aqwave: Hi, Dj.....
Aqwave: 30 minutes to go......
Ceejay: The wrecking ball move in at Midnight GMT Bobby
dj: hey Aqwave
colb: I look forward to it Espy
Survivorsburg: Martyn
Martyn: Nice words, May
Survivorsburg: thanks Martyn x
Espy: Otto's message (a new one)
Kieran iPhone: Lmao @ Otto
Ylle: Otto
Aqwave: Poor Otto.......
PK: Oh
Survivorsburg: K me tae
Kenny D: Great message from Will
caroline: @ Otto
Kieran iPhone: Now tuned in through ear phone only in one ear as the other is being used with radio
Survivorsburg: Will Where's me Maple Syrup
Kenny D:
Ylle: we keep in touch in FB,Twitter,skype e.c.t
Espy: Yes we definitely will
Kieran iPhone: Dinnae mention fb in here lol
caroline: I agree ylle
Aqwave: Sadly, I won't, Ylle.... I only have shoutbox/chatroom access.....
otto AutoBot: Happy New Year Uncle Otto.. Told you humans were hopeless
Aqwave: .... I will probably be in various chatrooms, as and when I find out where people have gone.....
Espy: Hopeless or topless
Ylle: @Aqwave
Westy WMC:
Espy: Enjoy the rest of your life and Good Luck, Aqwave
Kieran iPhone: I've always been topless when broadcadting. My mum always said my tits were broad
LadyT: Martyn
Espy: If you ever change your mind, we'll be on Facebook
LadyT: Eddie !!!
Espy: @K - Thank goodness
Aqwave: I'll try, Espy....... I'm fairly sure that some of the presenters intend to carry on elsewhere... Ghost ans Kev among them....
Aqwave: *and*
Ceejay: I've unplugged autobot, made him from a Commadore 64, piece of string and cornflake box
Kieran iPhone: Is Tim about?
Ylle: Aqwave maybe we see a1 station chatroom
PK: Ghost & Kev followed me
Aqwave: Did you include the pyrophoric 'sparkler' in his chest, CeeJay???????
Aqwave: Perhaps, Ylle...... Not looked at it yet.......
1R: Some 1Radio-related audio "shorts" from over the years - a work in progress - http://espyon1radio.tumblr.com/
Ceejay: No AQ, a littlem chewing gum in there somewhere
1R: A 1Radio Scrapbook - a work in progress - http://imgur.com/a/WQVzi
Aqwave: Lol, Otto......
Espy: lol @ defrag
Kieran iPhone: I'll offer you some irn bru Otto
Espy: PK
Kieran iPhone: Oh I like PK's voice
Aqwave: Awww..... PK......
caroline: Aww pk xxx
Survivorsburg: Pk
Kieran iPhone:
Westy WMC: aww pk Such a heart felt message
Survivorsburg: PK
LadyT: PK
Ylle: PK
Mightykoas: It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To 1Radio
Ylle: Hi MK
Westy WMC:
PK: Big love to everyone
Aqwave: Hi, MK.....
Westy WMC: to pk from me and wmc
Ylle: group
caroline: Right back at u pk x
PK: 'Thank you xx Having another little cry over here...
Westy WMC: I Really loved your show great presenter and you will be massive im sure !!
LadyT: hello MK
Ceejay: Good luck with your plans PK
Ceejay: Hi MK
Mightykoas: Hi T
Westy WMC: Pk could you send me this track i love it so much xxxx
Espy: I won't lose sight of you in the new year, PK
Mightykoas: Hi CJ
PK: Thanks everyone Espy - definitely not
Kieran iPhone: Aww espy
Survivorsburg: oh Espy bye bye
PK: Alice just said: Espy is an American??
LadyT: Espy
Espy: It's true lol
Paladinleeds: I can't believe it's all over
Westy WMC: nice one espy mate brilliant
Aqwave: Thanks, Espy......
Kenny D: Shawn fabulous message
PK: Otto got his wish! :/
Kieran iPhone: My favourite song
Paladinleeds: Wow... lol at the message from Otto.
PT: Good job Espy
Kieran iPhone: Lmao @ Otto
Aqwave: Lol, Otto....... Are we supposed to know who/what 'Palad' is????
Espy: I know my choice of song was a bit "conventional" - but truth is, I'm more conventional than I let on
Survivorsburg: Espy
LadyT: Hi Paladin
Kenny D: followed by one of my all time favorite songs
Ylle: Hi Paladinleeds
Espy: Hi Dan, welcome
Survivorsburg: hi DJ P
PK: It's a great song, Espy
Kieran iPhone: Good choice of a song espy
Ylle: this great song...
LadyT: So sad song Espy
Gaz: Hello
Aqwave: Hi, Gaz....
Espy: Hey Garry, glad you made it!
Gaz: how are we all?
LadyT: hi Gaz
PK: Gaz!
LadyT: sad...
Mightykoas: Hi Gaz
Ylle: Bocelli one of the hits.Great blind tenor
Ylle: Hi Gaz
Gaz: hey all
Rusty3578: hello
Aqwave: There have been (and are) many great blind Organists........
Espy: pushing on together Gaz how's your night?
Ceejay: Hi Gaz
Paladinleeds: Aqwave: Palad is me.
Gaz: sorry am late
Espy: Hi Brian welcome
Rusty3578: we hav 5 mins
Ceejay: Beautiful choice Shawn
Aqwave: Thanks, Paladin...... In which case, I still don't understand the message.....
Rusty3578: someone blow up the clock ..
Ylle: Goodbye
1R: Thank you all for being here - now and forever
PK: Why, Tim, whyyyyyyyyyy
Paladinleeds: Chinning somebody means to punch them in the face.
Kenny D: Goodbye 1Radio
Survivorsburg: Goodbye Everyone Love Peace and Harmony be with you All Love May Poet Laureate xxx
LadyT: hello Brian and bye
Ceejay: Hi Daniel
Aqwave: There's time for another choon!!!!
1R: Join the 1Radio Forever group on Facebook - a group that won't ever be closed - http://facebook.com/groups/1Radio.Forever/
DJ Sam: Goodbye 1radio Thanks everyone for making the station great
1R: A recording of this show will be made available in the coming days at http://mixcloud.com/espy
Kenny D: Happy New Year from
1R: 1Radio Scrapbook - a work in progress - http://imgur.com/a/WQVzi
1R: Some 1Radio-related audio "shorts" from over the years - a work in progress - http://espyon1radio.tumblr.com/
LadyT: Goodbye to all here my good friends
Rusty3578: we see each other on the other side
PT: Good Bye 1Radio. you were the best.
Aqwave: Atmospheric.........
PK: Goodbye, Otto, you served us well
Aqwave: Where can I find you, PT???/
Ylle: Goodbye all
Westy WMC: bye bye all see you all soon love you all take care happy new year xxxxx
Survivorsburg: Video now available on YOu Tube survivorsburg xx
PT: planettexas
Aqwave: Good try.....
Rusty3578: bye 1radio its been nice know you .tak care all
Ceejay: Happy New Year Everyone
Martyn retired: Farewell 1 Radio
Ylle: gb
1R: If you need any of those links again, or wish to contact another presenter, let me know - I'd be happy to help - shawn.christy@gmail.com
Aqwave: Goodnight, and Happy New Year, all......
Jon: cya all been fun and Happy new Year (almost)
Rusty3578: we see each other there in a few mins
Westy WMC: what a journey thanks 1Radio
LadyT: Happy New Year !!!!
Espy: Happy to all in the
Kieran iPhone: Bye 1radio xx
Ylle: HNY all
Rusty3578: a1radio it is
Aqwave: Thanks, Espy......
Paladinleeds: And so it ends.
Survivorsburg: LINK
LadyT: Happy New year England
caroline: Take care all x x x
Ceejay: 1 more minute
PK: I love you, 1Radio
PK: Thanks so much
Survivorsburg: BYE BYe xx
Eli: Happy New Year everyone.
Paladinleeds: Farewell 1Radio.
colb: Goodbye everybody
Survivorsburg: thabnk you all xx
PK: Thank you everyone who listened to The Engineerium or any of my other shows
Ylle: always in heart
LadyT: Take care Ceejay and all here and there
PK: Thanks to people who made me feel better when I was down
Rusty3578: happy new yr everyone
PK: My 1R extended family
PK: Happy new year
LadyT: colb
Paladinleeds: It's over.
Martyn retired:
Espy: Good night everyone
Aqwave: Type at you all again someday......
Ceejay: we have zero everone
LadyT: to you all
DJ Sam: Bye 1radio
Paladinleeds: And so they count down.
Survivorsburg: Goodbye All its been Blast xxx
LadyT: Hope to meet you all

Posted by Tim on Fri 31 Dec 2021 at 01:41 and viewed 2,082 times.


Hi Tim Hope your well. What are you doing now in radio? I had a great time on 1radio. I moved to different stations after you closed 1radio but none had the great platform you provided to the presenters. Stopped doing it now I do the odd show on the staion my mom presents on but if you ever bought 1radio back id be there like a shot lol take care Ian
Ian West (westy) on Thu 20 Jan 2022 at 17:04
Being on 1radio led to a1radio led to hospital radio then on to Mkfm then to UCB national radio. Thanks for the start in radio. Still do MKFM and Secklow 105.5fm on Drive.
Simon on Sun 30 Jan 2022 at 23:01

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