Battle of the DJs
In the earliest days of 1Radio, we had a competition night where listeners could listen to live mixes from 5 DJs and vote for their favourites.
The competition took place on one evening from 6pm-midnight. Each DJ could mix for just one hour. It had to be a live mix and the stream titles had to reflect the different songs that were played, to avoid the DJs simply playing out pre-recorded mixes.
Each DJ was provided an air-horn sound effect that they could play up to three times during the course of their show. At that time the air-horn was heard, listeners were permitted to vote for up to one minute. It was therefore important that the DJ only sound the horn when they had maximum number of people listening. It also ensured that listeners had to pay attention and listen out for the opportunities to vote.
They scored the mix on various criteria such as Variety, Skill, Quality and Entertainment Factor. Votes could only be cast as the mix was going out and that the specific instances. Votes could not be cast either before or after.
At the end of the evening, the votes were counted and scrutinised and the winners announced.
The winning DJ was announced in a special show at 11pm and could then do a second set from around 11:15 pm til midnight.
The event was quite successful in that it fostered a fun, competitive spirit and brought more listeners than we might usually expect at that stage. The voting was considered authentic and fair by virtue of the method we used to ensure only genuine listeners could participate.
The listeners and participants were truly international. The DJs themselves were from the UK, West Indies, Brazil, Japan and Asia and managed to bring a large following of fans and supporters with them.
Posted by Tim on Sat 26 Feb 2022 at 09:22 and viewed 1,834 times.
The first sign-ups
1Radio Beta Launch