
1Radio's original rock chick.

NyteFyre was conceived at a Rolling Stones concert and her Godfather is Jack Daniels. 

Nyte played rock. Classic rock, glam rock, punk rock. She'd dabble with progressive rock, alternative rock and indie rock and poke an inquisitive finger into blues rock, folk rock and country rock. She wasn't fond of Jazz. Nyte also had her own web station called Forbidden Pleasure Radio, for which I'd make the occasional jingle or play some songs.

NyteFyre is a female Spike. That is, she’ll get completely plastered and only then, go on air and do a show. If she’s really really pissed, she’ll play you her Sex Mix, a tried and tested sequence of songs with steamy, fl1rty lyrics and constant reference to fracking. The only disappointment is the Sex Mix playlist is cast in stone. Your first exposure to the Sex Mix is fun but overtime, it becomes repetitive and predictable and a little disappointing - which I suppose is just like sex. It’s not unusual for Nyte to launch her Sex Mix playlist then fall asleep soon after - which I suppose is just like sex.

But when all is said and done, Nytie was an absolute hoot and a great contributor to the 1. Sadly, she had a poor grasp of timezones and Daylight Savings Time (probably because it was outlawed in her native Arizona). Consequently, she was always arriving for her show an hour too soon or an hour too late. Or on the wrong day. Or the wrong station. Not really. I exaggerate. The problem was my poor implementation of timezones. It was enough to confuse anyone.

nytefyre promo
big dirty mouth
nytefyre award speech

I accompanied NyteFyre on a special show to mark Veteran's Day. We were joined on Skype by another contributor from the US. Nytie and I had not really mastered Skype. Whenever we were chatting about the agreed topics, Nyte left us faded down and we were unheard by listeners. Whenever we spoke privately thinking we were off air, this was relayed for all to hear. It was a very confusing event. People probably thought we were a couple of clapped out veterans. Which we kinda are.

One July 4th celebration on 1Radio was particularly memorable in that I had programmed a playlist of patriotic songs and clips for our presenters and listeners in the US. Regrettably, a slightly drunk and emotional Nytefyre mistook the show for an AutoDJ random selection, leapt in with a takeover and broadcast her Sex Mix instead. You gotta love Nyte :)

Posted by Tim on Fri 09 Dec 2022 at 12:43 and viewed 2,538 times.

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