My First Record

This show concept brought together the music and memories of various of our presenters.

I asked for the first record they ever bought, where they acquired it and how much it cost. 

You can see the responses below. Scroll to the very bottom of this post to hear the tracks.

"1st record I bought was in 1962... when I was 9 years old, I bought ‘Love Me Do’ by the Beatles... I had saved my ‘Pocket money’ and after seeing them on ‘Scene at 6-30’ on Granada my mum took me to Vallance’s record shop in the Headrow in Leeds. I might be getting old but the memory is still there... what was your name again??? LOL"

Colin John

"The very first record i bought on vinyl was officially Band Aid "Do They Know It's Xmas" back in 1984, can't remember the cost as i was too young (i was 9 lol) however officially it wasn't until 1994 when i started djing that i started buying vinyl in it's droves. I remember having bought some vinyl tracks back in '93 just before Gaz got me into mobile djing (i'm still doing it & through the same company i started with all those years ago) & the main one i remember buying was Clubhouse Feat. Carl - Light My Fire (Noisy Clouds Mix) on import, this was before it got a major release in '94 through the rubbish Cappella mixes which did include the Noisy Clouds mix on it fortunately enough as i had scratched the original vinyl to death by the time of the major release & it was very difficult to get hold of before then. The vinyl cost £6.99 - a fortune! and was played on my old Amstrad stereo system to death before i got a set of decks - the Citronic Thames II which you could flick a couple of switches & it would play the next record automatically for you once the other vinyl deck had finished - very very clever deck at the time lol. I started learning how to beat mix properly in '94 after getting the decks.  
The Clubhouse vinyl was bought from Hitz in Dunfermline. Andy was the owner who was very clever & closed the store in 1998 at the right time before the digital age came in and he now works at Sky TV. I did buy loads of dance music before buying this vinyl but it was all on tape however I can't honestly remember what i first bought on tape. I used to use the Amstrad 'twin tape decks' to mix songs with the same bpms together before i got vinyl decks so knew exactly how to go about mixing properly when i got vinyl decks thanks to the experience. "

John Paterson

"Cannot remember my first vinyl, however my first "tape" was Bronski Beat's "Age Of Consent" and my first CD was Pet Shop Boys "Disco" - nothing much changed then eh!

BB was guesswork, I really had no idea how good or bad the album would be. Although I love disco and play a lot of early 80s music, I really never found music until 1984, hence the BB album. To this day, it is a real favourite, definetely one of my favourite albums of all time. It cost £4.99, I remember because I only had a fiver!
PSB was in 1990/91 when I bought my girlfriend (now wife) a new Hi-Fi with a CD player - wow! She got the kit, I chose the music!"

Will Reid

"Eiffel 65 – Blue (da ba dee). I think it was either £2.99 or £3.99 for the single, I dont remember where I bought it from, probably a music shop in Exeter (Devon), But my brother and I played it allday every day for weeks possibly months, that dad now utterly horrifically hates the song with a passion haha."

DJ Kitty

"1978 Baron knights taste of aggro.....loved it!!! no wonder i have a strange taste in comedy and music lol!
1980 ashes to ashes-David Bowie
1980 eighth day-hazel O'Connor "

Spike Hammond

"Carl Douglas - Kung Fu fighting

If im rememebering correctly my father and i,would have been 10 at that time, went to a pub  and i nagged him so long to get the money for the record that he finaly gave in :) and i coudnt wait to get home to play it on the record player    one with a lid that was the speaker 
if you think of the price it was pretty much expencive in those day it costed arround 5 guilders wich will be 2 and a haf euro now (about 2 pound).
Many more would follow  over the years as i run a pirate radio station with some friends .
I still have about 300 of them the rest is sold wich was stupid of me to do ."

Eddie Meijer

"I bought two actually:
Cliff Richard - All My Love
Long john Baldrey - Let the heartaches Begin
Sad eh!
No story, just the songs that I liked that were being played on the radio at the time.

Geoff Tracey

"My first ever record was Kiss - Crazy Crazy Nights. Cost - I Cant remember
Purchased at either Our Price or Gateway (before it became Asda)
Reason: I just loved the song, i had started to get into the Now that's what i call music albums that my mum started to collect, and had heard it played out on "The Chart Show" one saturday afternoon, so went into town that day with my mum and spent my money on it. My mum had also bought me a Ghetto Blaster that i used to carry on my shoulder blasting it out all over the village where i was brought up lol.
Ahh i looked a right tube thinking back lol"

Gaz Evans

"DR. Hook - Better Love Next Time
my dad got me a old record player and i went to buy my first record single from a charity shop i got it because it had a old Capital Radio 194 sticker on it (very sad i know) "

Sean Tomlinson

"Actually I didn't just buy one, I had 5 all on the same day.  1968, I had my very own record player for Christmas and my Aunts and Uncles bought me some record tokens. One of my sisters boyfriends took me to a record shop in Dudley on Boxing day and I bought;
Herman's Hermits - Something's Happening
Race With The Devil - The Gun
Build me up Buttercup - The Foundations
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da - Marmalade
Elenore - The Turtles
I played the Turtles Elenore countless times that day much to the annoyance of the rest of my family."


"I'm pretty certain that my first record was Cyndi Lauper's "The Goonies 'R' Good Enough" 7 inch, (b/w "What A Thrill"), which likely cost about $1.99. It was, of course, featured in the film The Goonies, a movie I absolutely loved as a little kid and am still quite fond of to this day. I bought it in 1986 at a record store in our shopping mall called Disc Jockey Records when I was 7 years old. "



Posted by Tim on Fri 04 Mar 2022 at 07:48 and viewed 1,883 times.

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